December 1 - 3 Overages Acceleration

The first 50 FIVE people who register will receive
$25k in overages. Now is your chance
because once they are gone – they are gone!
Hurry up-get your list & claim your spot!

Attorney Bob Diamond’s…

Overages Acceleration


‘Diamond’ Level Overages
Business Mastery

Dec 1 - 3, Tue-Wed-Thu in Orlando

Total Hands-On ‘In The Trenches’ Master Immersion Training
Gets Your Business Up & Running Like It’s On Steroids…
More Claimants, Bigger Deals, Greater Profits!

PLUS: Great news! We have 50 FIVE more $25,000 lists of overage leads
which we will give YOU the moment you walk in the door
And I’ll Show You EXACTLY How To Get Your Hands On It!

You can also call my office directly and register at 800-981-2846
We’ll answer any questions you have. And you’ll get our full attention.

WARNING: You’ve only got 2 more months to meet your income and revenue goals for 2015. Are you on track to meet or EXCEED those goals?

If your answer is ‘no’, then this LIVE Overages Workshop will get you there!

But you MUST be willing to play full out. You have to be willing to STOP all the wasteful activities in your business and eliminate all the treadmill ‘time-suckers’ that distract you from MAKING MONEY!

I’ll Show you EXACTLY How To
Meet…And EXCEED…Your Financial Goals!

There’s one catch, though…
You have to be a serious business owner, professional, or ‘Hooked on Overages’ member to attend.

You must demonstrate desire, motivation, and passion to even think about coming to “Overages WORKSHOP LIVE!”

Why? Because the goal of this exclusive training is to make damn certain you’re among your peers when it comes to getting and generating the income and results you crave and deserve.


We’re weeding out the whiners and wishful wannabe’s right from the get-go.
No messin’ around at this event.  

Hear what past attendees have to say!

“I’d recommend this to family members. If you are undecided... jump in! You get a top 100 attorney and a top business mind. This is a tremendous event. We are also coming to the next event. Because I KNOW I will learn new things.”

Alexis & Clement

“I’ve done over 1000 transactions in real estate. Bob gives you personal 1 on 1 time...and it gave me a boost to get motivated and take action. Being around successful overages finders helped me immensely...I found lists at this event!”

John Simms

“I learned techniques to 3x my business! The live role playing was awesome, and critical to my gave me confidence. Bob is laser focused—I worked my list and found people because of Bob...AND got new lists!”


(Victoria, a teacher, worked a $300,000 overage deal in the class!)

“Teaching and DOING...its very effective doing the process. I feel very prepared, and learned new advanced ways of doing overages that are not in the home study course.”

Victoria Eng

“I am actually DOING this business! I have new tools...and you guys do a great job!”


Down and Dirty

This workshop-style event includes role playing, hands on demos, and calling YOUR list ($25,000 in unique overage leads ONLY IF YOU ARE AMONG THE FIRST 50 FIVE TO REGISTER! HURRY BEFORE WE RUN OUT).

This IS NOT pie-in-the-sky nonsense. Together, we’re rolling up our sleeves and make it happen…right there in the room.

And that means surrounding yourself in a learning environment like no other…

With other like-minded, inspired, dedicated, and savvy business minds who will do whatever it takes to be massively successful.

Self-starters ONLY!

Don’t get me wrong. I’ll supply all the PROVEN and DOCUMENTED strategies, tools, and hands-on high level ‘covert’ training to get you where you want to go.

And I’ll be there to guide you every step of the way…for 3 full days.

But there’s just no room or time for anyone who’s ‘needy’ or requires constant pampering and babysitting.  

And the reason I say this…and you know it’s true…is because these type of folks are time and energy sucks. And that’s just not fair to YOU or any of the other attendees! Plain and simple.

I’m looking for folks like YOU who LOVE getting down and dirty in a 100% hands-on, workshop training environment…

And watching their business explode and their bank account get fat…

And doing what it takes to make that happen.

Who This Event Is For

Bob Diamond, Ed Diamond and Student

This Overages master workshop has no equal when it comes to churning out success stories. 

You’re going to hit the ground running. It’ll be non-stop EXPERIENTIAL, HANDS ON,  TOTAL IMMERSION overages training with just me--Bob Diamond--for 3 solid no holds barred days.

This IS NOT a talking heads event. I’ll be your sole trainer, mentor, and coach for the entire workshop event. No speakers, no filler, no fluff.

So the question is…

Is this event and training right for you?

Well, it is if you’re a…

What You Can Expect

First, you’re going to get advanced money-making overages strategies…that will ONLY be revealed at the event. They WILL NOT be available in any course material or product.

Also, due to the sensitive nature of this high level training, only current owners and members of the “Hooked On Overages” system, serious business owners and professionals will be allowed to attend. (If you would like access to the event but do not yet have ‘Hooked On Overages,’ see below for details.)*

If you’re sincerely motivated to ramp up, rev up, and fire up your overages business, you’ll get what you need to…

And nothing…and I mean nothing…accomplishes this more effectively and efficiently than to sit in private, closed-door setting with ‘the expert’ and surround yourself with other like-minded business owners. 

Because when you have direct, live access to the best trainer and coach, you naturally…and automatically…get the ‘juice’ you need to take your knowledge and your business to the next level.

And that’s powerful stuff.

Two Diamonds...

Bob Diamond teaching

A little background.

When I started out, there was no overages course or seminar. No was teaching it, there was very little information, and there certainly weren’t any experts. I had to teach myself…the hard way. By the seat of my pants. By lots of educated guesswork and putting all the puzzle pieces together (here’s where my law school training and thinking came in handy).

I had to physically go down to the different county courthouses to research records, write snail mail letters by hand, and hit the library and sit for hours poring through book after mind-numbing book to find ANY information I could on the subject.

I’ll admit, it was an amazing education…but I wouldn’t wish what I went through on anybody. Talk about exhausting and time consuming!

Boy, I would’ve given ANYTHING to have someone teach me what to do… To have that ‘hands on’ experience. Face to face. A mentor. A coach. Look, some folks are great ‘do it your-selfers.’ But that wasn’t me. (I know what you’re saying…”Bob, I don’t believe you one bit. You’re a big shot attorney. Since when do you need help?”)

Well, if you want to know how much effort, blood, sweat, and tears went into figuring out the “business” side of this business…not to mention all the intricacies of the LEGAL side…

Ed Diamond

Just ask my brother Ed what I went through.

He’d LOVE to sit you down over a beer and give you the whole uncensored story… about how his smarty pants brother Bob gave himself facial tics trying to do EVERYTHING himself!

I have to say, too, that before we partnered, Ed was stuck transitioning from corporate a job--that he absolutely loathed--to being an entrepreneur.  Very tough to do. It sucked the life and spirit right out of him. It certainly was no picnic being around him during those years.

When we teamed up in 2009 and went into business together (Ed runs the business and marketing, I’m the beauty and the brains)… We decided then and there, without exception, that we’d only do what we loved. Period.

We would only work with and surround ourselves with ‘A’ caliber people and players… and only associate with winners. Because when you do that, everybody wins. The overages business is exactly like that…a business run by winners.

That’s precisely why Overages Workshop Live is strictly limited to insatiable business minds like YOURS. Because you’re looking for those extra insights, those ‘secret doors’ to help you grow and really streamline your overages business.

You’re craving that 1 on 1 experience where you get to brainstorm and share ideas with other hungry, like-minded overage business owners…where you can get access to the experts. You’re searching for those amazing nuggets and strategies that can take you from where you are now to where you imagine yourself to be just 3 or six months from now.

Now’s The Time!

So, are you ready to…


Because for the first time ever, you’re going to have the opportunity to work with me LIVE and in person.

Bob DiamondFrom the Desk of Bob Diamond
Thursday, 7:53am

Dear Overages Business Owner,

I’ve been a real estate investor for over 24 years. I’ve been a licensed attorney for 19 years. But here’s something you should know about me…

Law is my second passion. My first passion is teaching and coaching lifelong adult learners who want to take control of their lives by making the income they crave on their own terms. 

And hands down, one of my absolute favorite strategies for accomplishing this is Overages.

As you may already know, our team has been doing overages since 2005. And, after keeping it solely in-house for 9 years…where very few others knew about this strategy… I agreed to open it to the public last November.

“Hooked On Overages” has only been available through a select few joint venture partners who asked me to offer it to their ‘people.’

The few investors--both newbies and seasoned--who were fortunate enough to grab a copy of “Hooked on Overages” have experienced amazing…and life-changing…results. 

It’s a complete, easy to understand, easy to implement system

So, due to extreme demand from our students to do a live event, we delivered a spectacular live training. Wildly successful.

And again, despite my promise to never do another Overages event, you’re going to have one more opportunity to super-charge your business when you attend…

Overages Workshop LIVE! Master Business Training

Dec 1 - 3, Tue-Wed-Thu in Orlando

When you attend this event, you’re going to be totally immersed in 3 jam-packed days of exclusive high-level training. Get WAY more done in less time. You’re going to get everything you need to pump your business into hyperdrive.

Nothing held back.

You’ll get all my best secrets, tools, tips, and strategies that will help you skyrocket your business… From ANYWHERE in the world!


You’ll discover how to find and locate ANY missing claimant anywhere in the country… EVEN if they live in a ramshackle hut deep in the woods of Montana!


You’ll receive… get this…

$25,000 in unique overage leads ONLY IF YOU ARE AMONG THE

This is REAL VALUE. Not hyped up, trumped up ‘perceived’ value.


You have an unprecedented opportunity to potentially bank $8k…just for showing up!

And l’m going to personally show you how to ‘work the list.’

You’re going to witness first-hand how the entire overages process is done…and DO IT YOURSELF, in real time, right there in the training room WITH MY TEAM TO HOLD YOUR HAND!

Not only that, you’ll get to network with other overage business owners from all over the country. Just imagine the opportunities to share ideas and strike up partnerships.

When you attend “Overages Workshop LIVE,” you’ll be part of an elite group of savvy business owners with privileged access to tightly guarded (and confidential) intelligence.

The training, coaching, and information you get is designed for success.

Want Proof?

Overage investing is a tiny niche that very few people know about.

In fact, 98% of real estate investors have no clue what ‘overages’ are. They’ve never even heard of them. (Heck, even I had to look it up when I first heard about them…and I was an investor AND a real estate attorney!)

So while the overwhelming majority of investors are slugging it out on the bloody battlefield of foreclosures, wholesaling, fix n’flips, short sales, and single family homes… Dealing with tenants, broken toilets, rehab nightmares, funding challenges, holding costs, and a litany of headaches and setbacks… You’ll be quietly cleaning up ‘big time’ in a wide open field where there’s practically ZERO competition.

You’ll stand head and shoulders above all the rest… Avoiding the rat race and trappings of speeding to find the next big flip or foreclosure… And breathing in the cool, clean air of ease and success.

A Brand New Way of Real Estate Investing

Without a doubt, Overages trump all other forms of real estate investing. Here's why.

You never have to…

Your job as an Overage Investor is super simple…

3 Days of White-Glove
Hands-On Overages Mastery Training

At “Overages Workshop LIVE”, the goal is to give you the best, most comprehensive, ‘no stone left unturned’ training.

I’ll walk you step by step through the entire overages process so that you can…

When you leave the event, you’ll be fueled, super-charged,
and ready to ROCK your business like never before.

Here’s my promise to you:

This event is entirely...

100% Content, 100% Education, 100% Training

That’s right.

Bob and Ed Diamond teaching

You WILL NOT be barraged by a bunch of speakers hawking and pitching their wares. I’ll be your sole trainer, coach, and mentor for the entire 3 days, along with my team who will be there to support you as well.

Looking over your shoulder. Guiding you on your laptop. Showing you each and every step to take to make and close deals.

There’ll be no distractions. This is ‘roll up your sleeves and get right to the nitty gritty’ training.

The moment you walk in the door and sit down, it’s ‘go’ time!

I value your time and commitment, so it’s only fair that I honor and respect that.  

I want to make absolutely certain you get everything you need to be successful.

As your mentor, guide, and trainer, I’ll be right there the entire time to answer all your questions, allay any fears you might have, help you get ‘unstuck,’…

And deliver a “Diamond” Blueprint that takes your business to heights you never dreamed possible.

Here’s exactly what you get when you attend Overages Workshop LIVE:


“All the new money-making modules and business-boosting advanced training below are strictly reserved for attendees of the event. They are EXCLUSIVE to this event ONLY. These trainings WILL NOT be available in the written course or at any time outside of this Overages Workshop LIVE event.”

Here’s what you get…

Go WAY beyond what you already know about overages. You’ll get the extra tools and tactics…not found in “Hooked On Overages”…that help you accelerate the curve for building a strong, sustainable, and massively lucrative business.

This includes proven systems, organizational tools, process maps, and a host of ‘insider secrets’ you can use and implement immediately to super-charge your success. 

At this event, I’ll reveal how to do business in many of the states that are not on the Recommended List. With a little bit of discreet, ‘under the table’ knowledge and some backdoor resources, you can grow your Claimant list exponentially. This information is not part of ‘Hooked On Overages.’ It’s available only at this live event.

Armed with this new information, you’ll have the ability to work more overages because you’ll have access to more states.

Again, I will not be adding this special money-making module and content into the written course. This is only for those who attend the event. 

Easily locate the former property owners (Claimants) using these powerful and advanced ‘people finding’ tools and techniques. I’ll show you the step by step method I use to identify and locate these absent and missing Claimants.

This advanced method goes way beyond what you learned in the course material. How so? This is a specific and unique HIGH DOLLAR OVERAGES strategy…where you massively increase your chances for landing the deal.

The standard ways for finding and landing claimants don’t work nearly as effectively. So you’ll definitely want to deploy this ‘big ticket’ tactic to ensure you seal the deal.

What’s more, I’ll show you a super ninja ‘attraction’ strategy that magnetizes claimants like bees to honey…so that you’ll have MORE claimants voluntarily contacting you to help them claim their overage.

You’ll get tried and true scripts to help you effectively and powerfully contact your claimants via email, snail mail, express mail, and phone. Once they received your message, they’ll literally be amped and excited to talk to you. So there’s absolutely no guesswork.

Your marketing toolkit is working gangbusters. The phone rings. It’s a Claimant. You’ve got him on the phone. Now what?     

This is the part of the Overages process where investors trip up the most. Whether it’s due to nerves, doubts, fears, not knowing what to say, or feeling out of your league when it comes to negotiating and selling yourself, there’s no denying that speaking with them ‘cold’ can be scary, nerve racking…even intimidating.

No worries. I’ve got you covered. I’m going to share with you a very powerful, almost ‘wizard-like’ way to talk with the Claimant where you’ll be completely at ease. Like you’re having a conversation with an old friend.

Using time-tested and proven NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) techniques, you’ll feel totally confident and in your element. Building rapport has never been easier.

What’s more, you’ll know how to eliminate the Claimant’s skepticism in working with you. The ‘trust factor’ will zoom through the roof…and you’ll convert more Claimants to excited, eager, and cooperative clients. They’ll be practically begging to work with you.

The big moment. Your Claimant has agreed to work with you. All that’s left is getting their signatures on the paperwork.

At the event, we’ll go over the contracts so that you fully understand what they mean, how to use them, and the purpose of each one.

With my iron clad overage contracts and documentation…combined with your newfound NLP negotiating and persuasion skills…you have all the tools you need to seal the deal.

You and the claimant can feel safe and secure that your money is practically in the bag. Now all that’s left is the short wait period (typically 2-4 weeks) once you’ve submitted all your documents to the county. 

BULLETIN: I just completed some brand new testing and legal research. And you’ll be privy to my findings…which will give you the required information you MUST HAVE to operate in one of the additional overages states we found.

Pay dirt. This where I expose ALL the ways to find and locate government held overages money. Literally hundreds of millions of dollars in unclaimed funds--due their rightful owners--are just sitting dormant in holding accounts all across the country in every single county.

And NO ONE is making claim. This is your golden opportunity to help claimants RECLAIM what is rightfully theirs…

Before the government sweeps the pot into their own bank accounts.

And once you match claimant with their cash…you get to keep 30-40%!!

One more thing…I’ll show you how YOU get paid FIRST!

You’ve located the former homeowner, they’ve agreed to work with you, they’ve signed the paperwork.

Now it’s time to secure your funds. I’ll walk you through the entire process of how to claim your money the RIGHT WAY. There’s no room for error here.

You’ll get the crucial distinctions for when to file the claim yourself and when to use an attorney.

Once I take you through the steps of this critical component, any doubts or jitters you have on how to do this will vanish.

This technique is super advanced. It is NOT in the base written course because it takes LIVE instruction to understand properly. But once you ‘get it,’ you’ll be amazed at what a brilliant money-making strategy it is. You’re gonna love it.

Want to know how to squeeze more juice from an overage? I’ll share with you my ‘hush hush’ strategy for making more money from the same deal!

And here’s something else…you’ll get a ‘secret weapon’ for turning competing claims of lien lien holders into money making opportunities.

This strategy is pure gold.  

I’m going to disclose how you can claim overage funds WITHOUT the claimant! This is the perfect strategy to use when you can’t find or locate your prospect. I’ll show you how to legally and ethically use the government’s ‘system’ to your advantage.

These two profit strategies…Lien assignments and Claims Without Claimant… will ONLY be revealed at the live event…and NEVER again.

Got a deal or two in the pipeline? Bring ‘em with you and get all your questions answered. I’ll show you how to maximize your time and efforts to getting the deal done and closed in record time. PLUS, I’ll explore all the angles you might not see so you can boost your profits.

You heard right. You won’t just be sitting around listening to a bunch of talking heads. You’re going to be doing deals…on the spot.

We’re here to guide you every step of the way so you know EXACTLY how it’s done. You just may end up closing a deal or two…or three…right at the event!

We mean it when we say this is ‘hands on!’

No lie. No joke. No BS. As part of the Overages Workshop experience, I’m going to give you $25k worth of real, up to date, hot leads where the ACTUAL value of claimant funds sitting in county government bank accounts exceeds $25,000.

Not only will we gift this to you…we’ll show you and guide you, step by step…on how to get your hands on the stash!

ONLY available at the event.

Take full advantage of meeting your fellow investors. This is where partnerships and lifelong friendships are sealed. Find out how others are creating successful businesses. This is the time to share ideas, forge strong relationships, a build your support team.

Time to let off some steam with an exciting night at one of the country’s premier indoor sky diving facilities. Experience the adrenaline rush of sky diving without having to jump out of a perfectly good airplane!

This is your chance to mix and mingle with Bob and his Team, along with your fellow investors. We love getting the chance to get to know all of you at this catered cocktail party, held on Tuesday evening at the same time as the skydiving experience. Although the skydiving is reserved for our VIP attendees, EVERYONE is invited to the networking party!

Simply Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

“Overages Workshop LIVE” was specifically designed and created to put your business on steroids…

My goal is to help make your life EASIER and your business effortlessly by developing a system that’s replicable.

In a nutshell, the overages system I’ve created is “McDonalds’ style. Set it up, get the pieces in place, and go.
Nothing is left to chance or guesswork.  

So not only will you get everything described above, but you’ll also learn how to build a massively profitable and sustainable BUSINESS.

Because you’re also going to discover how to…

Dominate Your Market in Just 3 Days

What you’ll get over the course of this 3 Day Mastery Training is unprecedented.

Without question, you WILL possess the tools, tips, secrets, strategies, and know-how to dominate your market and become a force to be reckoned with.

But I have to preface…you must USE and IMPLEMENT what I teach you.

If your goal, your aim, is to be successful at overages, then all you need to do are these simple, basic things:

Plain and simple. Do these 5 things and you’ll knock it out of the park. I promise. And I’ll show you how!

By Invitation Only

Overage Workshop LIVE is an exclusive opportunity for you to truly rocket your business into the stratosphere.

This training IS NOT open to the general public. This is strictly for YOU, a current owner and member of the “Hooked On Overages” system.

I specifically designed it this way…so you get the most and best out of the event without any outside distractions. And that especially includes folks who aren’t familiar with overages and my system.

As mentioned earlier, if you want to attend but you don’t have the “Hooked On Overages” system, you must purchase it prior to attending. See link at the end of this letter.

Overages Workshop LIVE!
Master Training Workshop

Dec 1 - 3, Tue-Wed-Thur in Orlando

There are only 100 available for this one-of-a-kind, one-time-only program. I capped it at 100 for a reason…any more than that and the event loses its ‘personal touch.’ I want to make damn sure you have access to me so you get your burning questions answered and the attention you deserve.

Ed Diamon and Bob Diamond teching

Those of you who know me and have seen me teach and coach know that I run a very relaxed room. It’s critical that there’s the optimal learning environment and atmosphere in place. Bottom line, you’re going to feel like we’re having a fireside chat. Personal, intimate, and conducive for the flow and exchange of ideas. 

With so few spots available, I highly suggest you reserve your seat today.

So, what’s your investment to attend this one-time-only event?

This hands-on experiential event is more like a 3 day mastermind intensive… Where the best and brightest, the doers and action-takers, convene for exclusive closed-door access to Overage experts, content, and step by step guidance available nowhere else.

My mastermind programs cost up to $50,000. But you won’t be paying anywhere near that. (And quite honestly, with the legal ‘attorney’ element thrown in, I think you’ll agree that that’s a screaming bargain).

I purposely priced this event to make it so affordable and of such great value that there would be ZERO barrier to entry.

Your investment for the Overages Workshop LIVE is only $1497. That’s it. Just $1497.

And remember…you automatically get $25,000 in unique overage leads ONLY IF YOU ARE AMONG THE FIRST 50 FIVE PEOPLE TO REGISTER BEFORE WE RUN OUT OF LISTS! HURRY BEFORE YOU MISS IT. Plus ‘Skip Tracing Secrets’ to locate ANY missing claimant in the country!

So chances are pretty darn good you’ll land your first deal or two right there at the event!

This is your special invitation as a business owner, professional, and member of “Hooked On Overages.”
PLUS…and this is my gift to you…you’re welcome to invite a Spouse or Business Partner!  

Now, for those of you who love that ‘Five-Star First Class’
experience, I’m also offering a Special VIP Package.
This includes…

The VIP Package is only an additional $497.

Reserve My VIP Seat
You can also call my office directly and register at 800-981-2846. We’ll answer any questions you have. And you’ll get our full attention.

VIP Packages and Access are extremely limited
so grab your VIP spot before it’s too late.

Register right now…
Standard or VIP…to secure your spot.
Only 47 spots left.

I can tell you this...this event WILL SELL OUT. Fast!

Reserve My VIP Seat

You can also call my office directly and register at 800-981-2846.
We’ll answer any questions you have. And you’ll get our full attention.

Once you register, you’ll get all the exact hotel, flight, and event details.

Again, when you come to “Overages Workshop LIVE,” you’re going to hit the ground running.

Your trainer for ALL 3 DAYS will be me, Bob Diamond.

No outside speakers, no hype, no bs, no pitchfest. GUARANTEED. Just total learning and education dedicated to your success as an overages business owner.

We’re going to cover a lot of ground, so be prepared to soak it up.

By the time you leave on the final day,
you’ll know exactly how to…

Can’t wait to meet and speak with you face to face. See you in Vegas, baby!

Bob Diamond

PS: I can’t emphasize this enough:

The content and $25,000 in unique overage leads are for attendees only.

Also, there’s only 47 spots left of the 100 available. The goal is to keep this event ‘personal.’ Once all 100 spots are taken, that’s it. The doors close. 

So click the ‘Register Now’ button to secure your seat for this spectacular hands-on, step by step ‘Overages on Steroids’ event.


You can also call my office directly and register at 800-981-2846. We’ll answer any questions you have. And you’ll get our full attention.

PPS: If you would like to attend but are not a current owner of “Hooked On Overages," Click Here.

PPPS: If you want to reserve your seats by phone, or have any questions whatsoever, or have any doubts about attending or anything just described to you, I invite you to call my office right now. 800-981-2846. You won’t get the runaround. No hard sell. And we’ll honestly let you know if Overages Overdrive LIVE is a fit for you.


IMPORTANT: We can not and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, tools, or strategies. What we can guarantee is your satisfaction with our training. We give you a 100% satisfaction guarantee, so if you are not happy for any reason with the quality of our training, just ask for your money back on the last day of the event between 2 and 5PM by seeing a staff member, this ensures that you will give us an opportunity to fully work with you and ensure that we have given you all we have to give! You agree to give us back all training materials and any lists we have provided of overages. You should know that all products and services by our company are for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing on this page, any of our websites, or any of our content or curriculum is a promise or guarantee of results or future earnings, and we do not offer any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice. Any financial numbers referenced here, or on any of our sites, are illustrative of concepts only and should not be considered average earnings, exact earnings, or promises for actual or future performance. Use caution and always consult your accountant, lawyer or professional advisor before acting on this or any information related to a lifestyle change or your business or finances. You alone are responsible and accountable for your decisions, actions and results in life, and by your registration here you agree not to attempt to hold us liable for your decisions, actions or results, at any time, under any circumstance. Read our full terms, conditions, and disclaimers here: